Graphene Square has participated in 2014 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit which took place at Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The event was carried out for 3 days from Dec 2nd to 4th. During the exhibition, there were 275 booths and about 16,000 visitors attended the exhibition to show and share the knowledge and technique of material research. For the exhibition, Graphene Square has displayed various graphene products, as well as the real size 2inch CVD equipment with 3D animation. Those tools have helped the viewers to comprehend how our system operates to produce high quality graphene.
Local businesses continuously made their inquiries regarding Graphene Square’s product and equipment, also researchers showed their interest. Surely, Graphene Square was not a very well-known company yet, however, due to competitively priced goods but very high quality technology, as well as customized service led to flood of inquiry from local distributors. Graphene Square now stands in the position where it urgently needs to set up the strategies to respond to the demands of local market. On top of that, national research centers, universities, as well as R&D centers from corporations made their inquiries mainly on recent trend issues such as synthesis and commercialization of graphene and 2D materials. During the exhibition hours, about 200 attendees visited Graphene Square’s booth. As the society meeting and exhibition opened together, renowned specialists and researchers of materials constantly paid their visits.
There were also inquiries about joint research with Graphene Square on 2D materials and graphene synthesis from institutes such as Cornell University, UIC, Pennsylvania state University, IBS, the University of Wisconsin and Temple University. There were also inquiries about sponsoring their research. As for the continuous inquiry on distributorship from around the globe, Graphene Square is searching for the ways to produce win-win strategy.
Graphene Square Inc. Equipment Graphene Sample2014 MRS has become the starting point for Graphene Square to participate in main science societies and exhibitions in the US. You will be able to see us during 2015 MRS Spring, ACS, APS, AIP and so on.